Ten extra people in the house! Food everywhere!! Beds in every corner of every room! Laughter!! Memories shared. A puppy dog who is so tired he just wants to sleep!! White elephant gift-card time and all the uproar that goes with it. Twelve people trying to get ready for church on Sunday morning at the same time!
What, you ask, do all these things have in common? Well, it was just simply another fun-filled Christmas party when all of my in-laws came to our house to celebrate the Christmas season together. Yes, the "Annual Hyatt Family Christmas" has come and gone and I am a bit lonesome this morning as I sit here and write this post.
Food, and so much of it....from maple ham to roasted chickens to roast to corn casserole to mashed potatoes (Lee and Anthony John did an awesome job on them) to every kind of dessert imaginable. I don't think I will ever eat again....until dinner tonight!!
Grandpa, Susie and Michael, Andrew, Anthony John, MaryAnn and Tony, Mattie, Anthony Wayne, Amy Ann, and all of my family (including Gunther) had a wonderful time together. Grandpa shared some really funny stories with us and told us about people we did not know who were in old, old photographs. The boys had a good time outside with Uncle Gary's guns and bows and arrows (at my house they can only shoot at boxes or bottles - not any of my wild animals!!). Amy Ann helped me wrap more gifts and all we could do was laugh!! So much fun. So many great memories!!
Isn't this is what Christmas should be? Loving each other and loving our God. What a truly precious time!! I love all of you guys. Come back any time you want to.